“So let go, so let go, jump in, oh well what are you waiting for, it’s alright, cause there’s beauty in the breakdown”
So all my life I have had a problem with being able to let go of things. For this reason I’ve always considered myself a “past-oriented” person. I constantly dwell on things of the past and many times this leads me to “beating myself up” for making certain mistakes. I guess in this sense, I am in constant regret. Always wishing and wondering: If I had just done this or that, or if I could just go back in time and do this or that. I am sure this is not healthy for me, but I do not know how to stop myself. I can’t seem to hold on to things physically, but I hold on to so many things mentally, but I do not know how to let go of it. When my mind wanders, it likes to wander to the past. So how do you control a mind from wandering?
I think what I have to do is just accept that that is who I am, and that I cannot really change it. Maybe when I finally accept it, I can overcome it. I once tried to forcefully change the person I was and that was probably one of the worst mistakes I have made in my life. It left me feeling depressed and hopeless. I stopped accepting who I was and started thinking that I was bad for being the person I was. I must admit, that the implication that it was bad to be that way was not fully brought on by my own doings; I had outside influence of people who seemed to look down upon the kind of person I was. So many times I was told, “I think too much”, “I’m just beating a dead horse”, or “we’re just going in circles”. It really made me feel horrible for being they way I was, and being “negative”. Now, I do know that it is not healthy for me to hold on to things like I do, but I also know now that I cannot just suddenly try and force myself to be a different way. Also, it comes into question with what is actually wrong with the way I am. Who is to say what is the wrong way to be and the right way to be?
Bringing this topic to current issues, I have recently been dealing with an event that set me back or maybe took me a step forward as a person. A somewhat recent break up with someone I grew very close to left me completely devastated. In the past four or five months, I have been dealing with letting go of the hurt and trying to move on. In most people’s minds it has taken me a long time to get over this guy, but there are a few who have been through similar situations and understand that this is a slow a gruesome process for some. I feel like I am finally beginning to fully let go. However, in recent days, I feel like I have been preventing myself from letting go. I do not really know why, but I feel like I should not be letting go so quickly. I feel like I should keep holding on to past memories and wants. I cannot really tell if me “letting go” is actually me letting go or just me avoiding, but knowing my nature, I suppose, I am assuming it is more of the latter. Although I know many people who do just choose to avoid problems as long as they possibly can, I know avoiding the problem is not good because it will come back haunt a person, so I try and make myself sit down and face the facts and really deal with the issue. However, right now I am confused if my mind is actually naturally letting go, but my conscious is making me continue to hold on, or if I am really not ready to let go. Whatever the case, this is one area of myself that I really need to work on.
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